


Rodríguez-López, Carlos Eduardo


Born in Linares (México), Carlos E. Rodríguez-López obtained his PhD at the Tecnológico de Monterrey in 2016, where he studied avocado lipid metabolism via Mass Spectrometry(MS)-based metabolomics. He joined Sarah O'Connor's group at the John Innes Centre (UK) as a postdoctoral scientist in 2017, and in 2019 he moved to the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology (Germany), where he helped setting up the Department of Natural Product Biosynthesis. Among other things, during his stay at the O'Connor lab he studied the evolution of iridoid biosynthetic pathways in the mint family from a data-driven perspective, discovering several novel cytochrome P450 enzymes the mint family and olive. In 2022 he joined the faculty of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, where he is a researcher/professor (Profesor Investigador) since August that year. He currently has one approved US Patent, and has published more than 20 scientific articles, amassing more than 800 citations. His work and collaborations have been published in high reputation journals such as Nature, Nature Chemical Biology, Molecular Biology and Evolution, among others, and range from single-cell multiomics, synthetic biology and biosynthesis of natural products. He is part of the Mexican Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, as a level 1 national researcher. He is currently setting up his research group at the Tec de Monterrey, focusing on multi-omics approaches to study the chemical diversity in plants, with a focus on semidesert forage foods.
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