Cobreros-Rodríguez, Carlos
"Both design schools and the profession itself have overlooked environmental and rural issues; that is where the greatest challenge as teaching architect and researcher starts."
We live in a time when, according to Carlos Cobreros Rodríguez, we should discuss and work beyond sustainability. We should be focusing on regeneration, both on a social and an environmental level, to rebuild, resignify, reimagine, a better and more inclusive future, without overlooking the environment.
Being a designer, an architect, and a researcher allows him to work with and for people and communities responsibly and adapting to constantly changing contexts. He believes that, through the creativity that students from different disciplines generate in school, social challenges can be faced as a platform for experimentation, learning, and adjustment to volatile contexts.
Cobreros Rodríguez is aware that nowadays, problems and challenges of cities with important migration flows are being faced, but not the origin of migration, which mainly comes from rural areas.
He also claims that population growth, climate change, renewable energy sources, water resources, and food supply have had a great impact on the social, agricultural, cultural, economic, sanitary and environmental state of the rural areas. Therefore, he considers a challenge for his profession to search for solutions to the fact that those same areas are the focus of poverty, lack of economic opportunities, lack of employment for young people, limited access to information, and insufficient living conditions, as well as unsuitable health care and education services.
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