authors Ruiz-Hernandez, Blanca Rosa Ruiz-Hernandez, Blanca Rosa Ruiz-Hernandez, Blanca Rosa Ruiz-Hernandez, Blanca Rosa Ruiz-Hernandez, Blanca Rosa Ruiz-Hernandez, Blanca Rosa
selected publications academic article in scopus The teaching transparency problem of the parameter in statistics textbooks El problema de la transparencia didáctica del parámetro en los textos de estadística. Interciencia. 46:416-422. 2021 Influencing Factors to Choose STEM Areas: The Case of Strongly STEM-Oriented High School Students 2020 A historic epistemological analysis of the parameter and its influence on teaching statistics UN ANÁLISIS EPISTEMOLÓGICO HISTÓRICO DEL PARÁMETRO Y SU INFLUENCIA EN LA ENSEÑANZA DE LA ESTADÍSTICA. Interciencia. 45:216-222. 2020 Physics education: Systematic mapping of educational innovation articles. Journal of Turkish Science Education. 17:315-331. 2020 History of mathematical activity: Enlarged tool since problem solving Historia de la actividad matemática: Herramienta ampliada desde la resolución de problemas. Opcion. 32:840-860. 2016 A proposal for dialogue between research and teaching: Rethinking mathematics seminar Una propuesta de diálogo entre investigación y docencia: Seminario repensar las matemáticas. Opcion. 31:833-855. 2015
teaching activities Applied Research Project Probability and Statistics Quantitative Methods Quantitative Research Methods Statistics for Research in the Social Sciences
education and training Agricultural engineer, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo Master of Science in Educational Mathematics, Instituto Politécnico Nacional Master's Degree in Statistics and Operations Research, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México PhD in Didactics of Mathematics, Universidad de Granada