

Neri-Vitela, Luis Jaime


Dr. Luis Neri is full - time professor of the Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics Department of the Design, Engineering and Architecture School (EDIA) at Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), Mexico City Campus (CCM). Dr. Neri holds a PhD in Sciences (Physics) from the Mexico National University (UNAM). Dr. Neri is also a researcher of the National Graduate School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences at ITESM, and is member of the Mexico's National Researchers System (SNI). Dr. Neri's teaching experience begins in 1981, imparting several subjects on Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy. He is co-author of several books, workbooks and e-books on Physics courses. He holds certifications on the Program for Developing Teaching Abilities (PDHD) at ITESM, on Problem-Based Leaning (Wheeling Jesuit University) and Collaborative Learning (Texas University at Austin). He also holds a certification as Leader Implementing the ITESM's Educational Model. He participates as instructor of the PDHD at CCM and has conducted specialization courses on Physics teaching for high school and college instructors. Dr. Neri is a member of the research group at CCM on "e-Learning and Intelligent Models". He has published several refereed papers in international magazines, book chapters and papers in national and international congresses. His research areas include e-Learning, Physics and Engineering teaching, active learning didactic techniques and methodologies, and Learning Analytics. Dr. Neri has been distinguished and awarded in several times as one of the outstanding professors at EDIA for his continuous and committed teaching work. The research group to which he belongs has been recognized and awarded in several times at ITESM for their work on educational innovation. Dr. Neri has also participated in several consulting projects for companies in the design of online staff training programs. He is member of the scientific committee of the Inter-American Magazine for Learning Technologies ("Revista Interamericana de Tecnologías para el Aprendizaje", IEEE-RITA) and is referee of several research magazines on Engineering Education. Dr. Neri is member of the American Association of Physics Teachers.
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