Dr. Guillermo Manuel Chans received his B.Sc. and Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences in Córdoba, Argentina. His academic training during his doctorate was oriented toward organic physical chemistry. After finishing his studies, he did a post-doctorate in inorganic chemistry in the laboratories of the Institute of Chemistry of the UNAM, Mexico. He specialized in synthesizing and characterizing organic and organometallic compounds during his stay. He belonged to the National Research System (SNI) as a level 1 member (2017-2020). Dr. Chans actively participates in the international scientific area. As a result of his performance, he has generated 14 articles published in refereed journals of remarked international level. He has also participated in 22 presentations at international and national congresses and has given 2 conferences. He also has extensive experience in teaching, where he has taught for 10 years and has led a Novus project on gamification. He is an assistant professor at Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Santa Fe, and a full research professor at the Institute for the Future of Education. He is finishing a master's degree in Education at the same university. In 2022, he was recognized as an Outstanding Professors Circle of Tecnológico de Monterrey member.