


Fuentes-Valdez, Ramona


She is professor of various subjects in the area of Mathematics and Information Technology. She trainees in project-oriented learning, information technology, design learning objects, among other strategies. She coordinates the SAEP competency assessment project for the IIS career, and is the representative of the Engineering´s Faculty in the Teachers´ Classification Committee for Cuernavaca. She is incorporated into NOVUS projects, some of them as a leader of the project and others as associated since the first call in 2012. Ramona has been evaluating teaching skills in the use of technology and active learning. She has participated as judge in the Innovation Week and was honored for her leadership in coordinating one of the iWeek´s challenges. She also has participated as judge in the Expotec Entrepreneurs Projects from 2003 to 2017, judge of CleanTech´s proposals, judge of the CleanTech Challenge 2016, Duel of Pitches 2017, DownHill Challenge since 2017, CIIE 2018, NOVUS 2018 and 2019. She has been honored as "Gran Mujer México 2020" in Cuernavaca, "Profesor Inspirador" 2017 in Campus Cuernavaca and by the student´s opinions as the best professor at several occasions: 2014, 2011 and 2006, also, she has been recognized with awards for teaching excellence: Second place in the EXPO (2015) and first place in the Innovation Competition in Educational Technology (2009). She has won several scholarships for various training courses: ----- Scholarship of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD) for the Certificate Program: Community Development Leadership by Women (2014). ----- Grant from the US-Mexico Foundation for Science (FUMEC), course: "Design FPGA-Xilinx Spartan-6 platform VHDL" (2012). ----- CONACYT Scholarship for graduate studies: Master of Science (1993-1995). She had been working in different areas and positions, as: representative of the Campus as Senator, the Sciences´area Coordination in the Department of Engineering and Architecture, Certification´s Coordinator, Director of the Department of Information Technology and Mechatronics, Coordinator of bilingual high school in Campus Cuernavaca. She had participated in the process of social validation of the professional profile of the General Examination for the degree in Computer Engineering, CENEVAL, 2008. She was professor and researcher, Coordinator of the department and the Master of Science Degree program in Systems Engineering at the Engineering Institute of the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC).
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