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Téllez-Pérez, Carmen


I'm from Puebla, Mexico and in 2007 I got my bachelor degree on Food Science Engineer from the Autonomous University of Puebla. Subsequently, I conducted a master degree at La Rochelle University (France), earning a Master of Engineering Science. In 2009, I started a PhD in a co-tutelle model between La Rochelle University and Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México, and in 2013 I earned a PhD on Engineering Science. Throughout my career I have had the opportunity to work with national and international food industries; and currently I'm a research professor at Tecnológico de Monterrey, where I help to the development of our future Food, Agronomy and Biotechnology Engineers. Furthermore, my research is focusing on the development of innovative processes that allows to valorize Agri-Resources, with a special focus on food industries "wastes" and I do special efforts on the identification of phytochemicals preferably associated with Mexican native plants and foods that have the potential to prevent and treat chronic degenerative diseases.
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