Food Sciences
research area of
Domínguez-Uscanga, Astrid
Luna-Vital, Diego Armando,
Core Researcher,
Healthy foods
Jacobo-Velázquez, Daniel Alberto,
Core Researcher,
Healthy foods
Rodríguez-Sánchez, Dariana Graciela,
Adjunct researcher,
Molecular and Systems Bioengineering
Carrillo-Nieves, Danay,
Core Researcher,
Molecular and Systems Bioengineering
de la Cruz-Quiroz, Reynaldo,
Adjunct researcher,
Molecular and Systems Bioengineering
Castro-Muñoz, Roberto,
Core Researcher,
Molecular and Systems Bioengineering
Rojas-de Gante, Cecilia,
Adjunct researcher,
Molecular and Systems Bioengineering
Escobedo-Avellaneda, Zamantha Judith,
Core Researcher,
Emerging Food Technologies and Nutraceuticals
Espinosa-Ramírez, Johanan del Pino,
Emerging Food Technologies and Nutraceuticals
Téllez-Pérez, Carmen,
Adjunct researcher,
Emerging Food Technologies and Nutraceuticals
García-Amézquita, Luis Eduardo,
Adjunct researcher,
Emerging Food Technologies and Nutraceuticals
de la Rosa-Millán, Julián,
Core Researcher,
Emerging Food Technologies and Nutraceuticals
Morales-De la Peña, Mariana,
Adjunct researcher,
Emerging Food Technologies and Nutraceuticals
Ramírez-Jiménez, Aurea Karina,
Core Researcher,
Emerging Food Technologies and Nutraceuticals
Rodríguez-Martínez, Verónica,
Core Researcher,
Emerging Food Technologies and Nutraceuticals
Soto-Reyes, Nohemi,
Adjunct researcher,
Emerging Food Technologies and Nutraceuticals
Ramírez-Rodrigues, Milena Maria,
Adjunct researcher,
Emerging Food Technologies and Nutraceuticals
Cardador-Martínez, Ma. Anaberta,
Core Researcher,
Emerging Food Technologies and Nutraceuticals
Welti-Chanes, Jorge Santos,
Adjunct researcher,
Emerging Food Technologies and Nutraceuticals
Rodriguez-Salvador, Marisela,
Core Researcher,
Advanced manufacturing
Lopez-Soriano, Eduardo Manuel,
Adjunct researcher,
Smart Supply Chain and Logistics
Monforte-García, Gabriela,
Adjunct researcher,
Development of conscious businesses
Chávez-Santoscoy, Rocío Alejandra,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
San Martin-Azócar, Alejandra Lorena,
Campus Querétaro,
School of Engineering and Sciences
García-García, Rebeca María,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Maldonado-Guevara, Blanca Isabel,
Campus Querétaro,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Serna-Saldívar, Sergio Román Othón,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
García-Díaz, Cesar,
Campus Estado de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Santacruz-López, Yolanda Arlette,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Miron-Merida, Vicente Antonio,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Flores-Bello, María Verónica,
Campus Ciudad de México,
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Vigueras-López, Heliodoro Gustavo,
Campus Estado de México,
Business School
Escalante-Aburto, Anayansi,
Campus Toluca,
The Institute for Obesity Research
Ayala-Soto, Fabiola Elizabeth,
Adjunct researcher,
Emerging Food Technologies and Nutraceuticals
García-Gamboa, Ricardo
Graciano-Palacios, Mauricio,
Adjunct researcher,
Impactful entrepreneurship and innovation
Rabadán-Chávez, Griselda Mericia
Torres-Brito, Jose Antonio,
Adjunct researcher,
Molecular and Systems Bioengineering