


Heredia-Escorza, Yolanda


Yolanda Heredia Escorza received her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology with specialty in clinical Psychology from the Universidad Iberoamericana in México City in 1982; her Master's Degree in Education with a specialization in Educational Psychology from the Universidad Regiomontana in 1992; and her Ph D. in Social Work with a specialization in International Comparative Social Welfare Policy in a joint degree from Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León and UTA in 2002. Currently she is a Senior Professor and Researcher at ITESM's Graduate School of Education, coordinates the Master's in Educational Technology. She was dean of the Graduate School of Education form January of 2009 to august of 2010. Actually she coordinates the Doctored in Educational Innovation. She has done research in educational technology, and in the subject of elements that affect academic performance, and she has published the results of her research in specialized magazines an write several book´s chapter an book.. She has coordinate 40 thesis and 9 dissertations.
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