authors Martinez-Cantón, Adriana Erika Martinez-Cantón, Adriana Erika Martinez-Cantón, Adriana Erika Martinez-Cantón, Adriana Erika Martinez-Cantón, Adriana Erika
selected publications academic article in scopus Research-based learning as an educational tool to generate proposals that impact on the SDG-13 2023 Noise levels analysis based on sensorial perception as a strategy to boost critical thinking 2019 Ethics and Transversal Citizenship in the Teaching of Science and Engineering 2019 chapter in scopus Collaborative Experiential Learning for the Study of Noise Pollution and Improvement in Soundscape Design. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2024 Effect on the Competencies Development and Collaborative Learning During the COVID-19 Lock Down from a Student Perception. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 183-191. 2023
teaching activities Analysis of Electrical Systems in Sciences Engineering and Science Modeling Mathematical Thinking I Modeling in Engineering with Conservation Laws Modeling of Electrical Systems in Engineering Modeling of Electromagnetic Systems in Engineering Modeling of Engineering with Computational Mathematics Modeling the Movement in Engineering Motion Modeling in Bioengineering and Chemical Process Science, Technology, and Society Week 18 Engineering
education and training Degree in physics, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas Master Engineering, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México PhD in Engineering, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
awards and honors Profesor mejor evaluado, conferred by Tecnológico de Monterrey, 2016 Profesor mejor evaluado, conferred by Tecnológico de Monterrey, 2015
Expertise ODS Quality education ODS Acción por el clima Producción y consumo responsables Salud y bienestar Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico