Food Security
Here are the individuals with an interest in Technology and Food Processing who are in this organization. View all individuals in this organization.
- Alonzo-Macías, Maritza
- García-Cayuela, Tomás
- Guajardo-Flores, Daniel
- Gutiérrez-Uribe, Janet Alejandra
- Heredia-Olea, Erick
- Jacobo-Velázquez, Daniel Alberto
- Morales-De la Peña, Mariana
- Olvera-García, Víctor
- Pérez-Carrillo, Esther
- Rivera-Zavala, Julieta Berenice
- Soria-Hernández, Cintya Geovanna
- Soto-Reyes, Nohemi
- Tejada-Ortigoza, Viridiana Alejandra
- Téllez-Pérez, Carmen
- Villarreal-Lara, Raúl