selected publications academic article Geochemistry and hydrothermal contamination of the Atemajac-Toluquilla groundwater system (Guadalajara, Mexico) 2017 Hydrogeochemistry of groundwater supplied to the City of Monterrey, Mexico 2017 Origin of the salinity in the coastal aquifer of La Paz, Mexico 2017 Reintroduction of Stenocereus stellatus (pitaya) in a water deficient location: a novel model for sustainable agriculture under climate change. 2014 Biomass energy potential and research investment in Mexico 2014 Development and Application of a Harmonized Water Quality Index 2014 book Agua y Ciudades en América Latina: Retos para el Desarrollo Sostenible 2016
education and training Doctor in Agriculture, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Engineer with Specialty in Hydroculture and Hydraulic Economics, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Master's Degree in Engineering with a Specialty in Hydroculture and Hydraulic Economics, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
awards and honors Evaluador Acredidato ante el CONACyT (RCEA), conferred by CONACyT, 2004 Mexican Researcher Certification - Level 2 (Mahlknecht,Jurgen)